
Sunday, June 5, 2016




This healing method is not theory. I have used this in my own life for many decades. And I have shared it with others who have used it successfully too--sometimes very rapidly healing themselves of even serious illnesses like late stage cancer. There is no body too far gone to use this method and to heal. As long as there is life in the body, illness can be banished and full health resumed or achieved--if one can do the sometimes challenging work of examining and letting go of old negative, limiting untrue beliefs. Beliefs that are out of alignment with Ultimate Spiritual Truth (UST.)

And then one must be careful to give credit where credit is due--to yourself and the hard work you did to change your consciousness. You must accept power and responsibility for having healed yourself--no matter how many physical level treatments you were receiving from others. It was not they that healed you--it was your own mind-power that healed you. If you fully understand and accept that, then you can catch yourself if you slip backwards into old beliefs--or if you begin to entertain other untrue beliefs. You will notice that you are unhappy again.

If you continue to use this process with every physical ailment you will become ill less and less often and the severity of those illness or injuries will decline until finally you have mastered the art of keeping your consciousness in alignment with UST all of the time--and being happy all of the time--genuinely happy!

One caveat, it took me years of doing this process, of healing myself of one thing, then forgetting how I did it and running back to doctors and medicine, before I realized fully that they did not know how to heal me, but I did, and I was the only one who could do it. It is quite a power rush when one gets it! And the financial freedom and emotional freedom from fear of "marauding illnesses" is in-valuable. Not to mention the general increase in happiness, general well-being and wonderful feeling of empowerment!



In the most basic terms, We live in a psychological Universe--not a material one. The two basic building blocks of this Universe are CONSCIOUSNESS  and ENERGY. Spiritual seekers learned this long ago; and quantum physicists have also recently come to the same conclusion.

The old Newtonian physics said the two most basic things in the Universe were matter and energy. This paradigm ruled human thinking actually since long before Newton declared it in his law. It was based on an increasingly materialistic, outward looking point of view that began about 20,000 years ago in the East and about 6000 years ago in the West; it was created during a shift from the intuitive-knowing mind to the intellectual-reasoning-mind (dominance shifting from right to left hemispheres of the brain).

The way it affected how we thought about illness and health was profound. The new intellectual paradigm viewed the body as simply a lump of materialistic matter that was completely separate from what that paradigm assumed was the much less important other aspects of human existence--spirit, mind and emotions.

It led to the development of allopathic medicine, which holds an unexamined and flawed major premise or belief which it is blind to. This major premise or belief operates throughout all branches of that type of healing and its associated industries of pharmaceuticals and insurance. And most people in the world subscribe to it today.

 That major  false premise is:


Those who believe in allopathic medicine rarely entertain the idea that the root cause and cure might be in the mental/emotional/spiritual realm. but that is precisely where it is. And to heal an illness or injury one must address that root cause, and the cure will become self-evident.

So the doctors and researches who subscribe to the extremely popular allopathic school of healing continue to dig ever deeper and deeper into the "box" of physical reality for causes and cures. But to no avail!  To find the answer they must look outside the box of the above limiting, invisible belief.

Some would point to the "cures" that medical research has achieved. But what has happened there is simply that a popular belief in the medical cure (placebo effect) supported a a quasi-healing, however, if there was no true concommittant shift to a needed new belief and its emotional relief, then  people would simply go on to develop other illnesses for their own purposes. Or they would have a relapse in to the original illness.

 For the true nature of illness is not that it is an enemy to be fought, but an ally or teacher to be listened to. The ultimate purpose behind all illness and injury is to achieve spiritual health--which we can take with us throughout eternity. True healing involves discovering Ultimate Spiritual Truth (UST). And UST is spiritual GOLD!. It is truly the only game in town.



The following is a simple description of the basic tenets of  The Vesica Piscis Method of Self-Healing Skills:
  • All illness is exacerbated (or caused)by mental conflict within oneself. In fact there will be one mental conflict that has a strong causal relationship with the illness.
  • The two inner circles of the Vesica Piscis symbol above represent the conflict between two parts of yourself, (or between yourself and another, or between one nation and another etcetera.) You can meditate on those two circles to discover what your most basic conflict is. There will be a limiting belief that is common to both aspects of you, about this issue. There will also be a common solution.
  • The shared conflicting belief and solution are represented by the ovoid shape at the center. Meditate on that for the place where resolution can happen.
  •  Finally know that, when the solution to the conflict is discovered, the two circles will expand until they are contiguous with the outer circle. In other words, there will be no more conflict. Then you will be whole mentally and emotionally--and physical wholeness will have a much better chance of happening.

To begin the process you can print out the questionnaire below. You can do this process successfully on your own. However, if you get stuck and feel you need help with these steps, feel free to contact me at 484 860 2226 or at
 The Vesica Piscis Self-Healing Method was developed and is taught by Brenda H. Nelson, who has worked as a Psycho-Spiritual, Mind/Body Counselor since 1982. Her Ph.D. dissertation work was entitled “The Psycho-Spiritual Aetiology and Healing of Cancer.” Her approach is totally non-judgmental and deeply compassionate. This method empowers the self-healer, but never blames. After having healed herself of cancer in 1979, she went on to heal herself of several other ever-less serious illnesses as they arose over the next 35 years. And, with each self-healing experience, she became much healthier overall and as of summer of 2016 she has not had an illness for many years, As small symptoms arise, she nips them in the bud.  What she discovered through her studies and experiences both personal and professional, is that the mind has a much greater effect on the physical health than is generally understood.

The Self-Healing Assistance Questionnaire
The following is a questionnaire that will begin the process for you. However, before you read further, please print out this page and get a pen. The first answer that comes to mind as you read each question needs to be recorded at the moment it arises—before you can have second thoughts about it.

If a nervous or tired feeling comes up as you begin to read them, allow that this is just simple ordinary "resistance." You should just allow that you are feeling that, but reassure yourself, that by facing your feelings, you will  most assuredly set yourself free. You will heal.

Write down the first feeling or thought that comes to you.

1. What is bothering you the most in your life lately, (besides the illness or injury)? (Or do you have a pattern of squelching any disturbing feelings? If yes, do all you can to begin to allow them.) (If you feel angry with yourself for not being disciplined enough--or something like this--look deeper for the feeling behind that--eg shame that you believe you are basically lazy.)

2.  Identify your dominant or most frequent “negative” emotion currently and then for the past 2 YEARS.(If you are still feeling like you have none, allow that your illness is a profound indicator that you most certainly are squelching some feelings at least. At bedtime ask for a dream that shows you what you're hiding from yourself, or how you'd like to feel better.)

If you feel stuck on the above question rephrase it as:
 "My most disturbing feeling when it comes up is...."
In other words, what is bothering you the most these days on the spiritual, mental or emotional level of your being? (Besides the illness or injury.)

Still not sure?
If you are not sure what you are feeling, circle one or more of the following words:
anger,   resentment,  fear,  anxiety,  stress,  pressure,  sadness,  grief,  depression,  guilt,  remorse,
jealousy, overwhelm,   anguish, angst, hatred, revenge, shame, guilt, over-burdened, overwhelmed, shame, embarrassment, feeling invisible or unimportant, feeling low self worth.

Check a Thesaurus for more words until you find the ones that most strongly resonate for you.

 3. Identify what you don’t want in your life
 Oftentimes there is a life problem that may have begun about 2 years or so before the onset of a serious illness--an issue that has exacerbated the illness. The psychological roots of the issue may be much further back in your life, but the obvious, "above-ground" growth of the psychological, spiritual, mental or emotional problem, or event may have appeared only recently--within the past couple of years. Complete the following sentence:
I don’t want to have to….

4. The Cause
Complete the following sentence:
“I feel the emotion identified in step 1 because of the following negative situation…."
 (a situation OTHER than the physical aspect of the illness.)

5. Identify what you do want.
This will be a positive state of being, or event that may feel both energizing and a little scary. But don’t let any real or imagined detrimental consequences or roadblocks stop you from saying here what it is you would like to do. Nobody else needs to see this.
“Because of the above problem I would like to....”

6. Identify possible blocks.(optional)

“I haven’t done this before because I believe now or used to believe that....”

7. Create an affirmation:
Make it a short POSITIVE statement that is the antithesis of the above limiting belief. Write it as if it were true, even though it may not be yet, or even if you still feel it is not possible.

8. Finally

    Believe your affirmation as much as you can.
    Put as much positive emotion into it as you can.
    Repeat it often
    Write it often
    Think, speak and act in terms of your new belief. 


Then, as much as you can allow yourself, expect healing. If you believe in a Higher Power, invoke Their help and “pray believing.”

Also, please let me know if you use these steps and if they have been helpful to you or not. If you feel they have not been effective,  I may be able to help you to use them in a different and better way. Also, I need your feedback in order to improve the simplicity of the process, so that is useful to more people. The process does work, but sharing it effectively with all, is still a work in progress.
Also please know that, healing may be so subtle and natural that you may not at first understand that it was the above steps that actually helped you. But it is very important that you accept this form of self-empowerment, so you can use it again and again.
This is especially true if you are combining the above steps with various other healing modalities. You may feel confused about which one actually healed you or was of benefit. But know that you did have a HUGE impact on your own healing by using the Vesica Piscis Method.
Dr. Albert Schweitzer said, “All healing is self-healing.” I believe this also.

You can email Brenda Nelson for a telephone appointment at
 RATE: $75/hour.  The fee can be negotiated if you are in financial need.
Yours in Health,
 Brenda H. Nelson



 Man meditating at lake, water 


When you go into meditation and picture another person on the screen of your mind, with the intention of doing distance-healing, that is, sending healing energy, you must understand that this image that you have called up is "live" and interactive. The person is really there and so you must first do these things:


  1. First, tell the person that you would like to send them  healing energy or prayers.

  2. Then you must ask them if that's okay .

  3. Watch the image closely for an answer.

  4. If they disappear, or seem to hide from you or if they appear to be angry, that is a "no."

  5. If you get a no, simply come out of  meditation.

  6.  If their image remains, and you get a neutral or positive sense from what is in their face or the image that surrounds them, then feel free to continue, respectfully.

Here is how to send healing energy.



  1. First go to this page  ; read and understand the very important ethics of assisting others to their own self healing through distant viewing.
  2.  Allow that the person you are hoping to assist to their own self-healing is  One with God at the center of their being. Know that they innately know how to heal themselves. However, that knowledge is likely not conscious yet if they are experiencing illness at this time.
  3. Bring up their image in your mind.
  4. Picture a column of bright white light passing through their image vertically. 
  5. Know that this is their Divine Core.
  6.  Picture the same for yourself.
  7. Know that you are sending love and wisdom from your Divine Core to the personality-self of the other person. Know that you are attempting to support their natural inclination to align with their core Divine Self.
  8. Know that when they do this, they will immediately begin to heal.
  9. Now scan their image up and down several times, front and back. You are looking for dark places or blank places. By blank I mean that the portion of the body that you are perceiving may refuse to come into focus. It may simply not appear in your image of them.
  10. Know that these are problem places--places where spiritual energy is not flowing.
  11. Know that behind energy-not-flowing is a limiting mental belief.
  12. Know that the belief precipitates emotions that don't feel good--anger, sadness, jealousy, despair etc. 
  13. Now look more closely and feel more closely around and into the dark or missing, or somehow "off" places. 
  14. Note what  negative feelings or thoughts register in your own body, mind and feelings. Know that these belong to the other person.
  15. Now ask your Divine Self and Divine Self of the other person what event or situation has triggered the formation of these beliefs and feelings. You may get a flash image of something full of "data" that you can unpack. Or it may unfold like a movie. Or  it might arrive as a strong or faint impression. Trust whatever you get.
  16. Then ask what the antidote belief and feelings are.
  17. Now imagine the other person as having gotten and accepted the new positive belief and feelings. Imagine them happy and much more aligned with their Core Divine Self. 
  18. See them as being surrounded by Divine Love. Send them your own healing/wholing love and best wishes. Know that this is true and is going to work for them now.
  19. Know that when they heal that it  will be because they healed themselves. You simply supported them in that. But you did not heal them. Congratulate them on their powerful self healing skill.



See the archives the expert papers read or submitted by leading Quantum Physicists from around the world each year. The papers are read at of the University of Arizona annual conference on "Consciousness and Quantum Physics"

Most doctors today practice Allopathic Medicine (your doctor is most likely an Allopathic doctor) and are unaware of what the quantum physicists are discovering that could help the M.D.s to be better docotors and to offer better treatment. There is a hidden belief in Allopathic Medicine that makes its effectiveness much lower than it could be. That belief is simply that "physical  problems have physical causes and physical cures.. only."  One should examine  and question the validity of that very limiting belief in the light of both spiritual truth and the latest discoveries of Quantum Physics.


From that fact we can safely deduce that all matter --including the human body- is simply the result of consciousness working with and on energy to create something we call material or physical. A body--and whatever state it's in--is simply a thought/symbol of the more real thoughts and emotions of the consciousness.

The form of that energy we are concerned with in The Vesica Piscis Method of Self Healing Skills is...

 ...human thought. Thoughts we think over and over become beliefs. Beliefs sooner or later manifest in our bodies as good health or poor health. Good health comes from beliefs that match those of our Divine Inner Being. Health problems come from intellectual/cultural beliefs that do NOT match what our Inner Being knows is true.

Ill health is a sign post that one has a major belief that is not true--one that is different from what your Inner Being knows is true.

Thought is part of consciousness and it has a vibration. Thought, as applied by the self/Self uses energy to form the human body in conscious, unconscious and super conscious ways. It does this in an ongoing way--from moment to moment. Our Inner Being carries our Superconscious mind.

There is also a thing called Ultimate Spiritual Truth (UST). It is something we all have access to; it is in the Divine Core of our being. Abraham calls it "The Vortex". We are hard wired to it, but it can become obscured by the predilections of the intellect to look outward towards outer authorities and the symbolic reality that is what our world really is. It is a symbol of the more real inner reality.

We llive in a psychological Universe.

This outerdirectedness is how the intellect often functions in most individuals and in most cultures around the world today. However, it can be trained to look inward towards our own Divine inner authority and wisdom--which is vastly more real. It is a psychological reality.

Thought precipitates emotion. Emotions precipitate our physical bodies and their health or illness. If we are thinking thoughts that are in alignment with UST--that is--our thought is vibrating in resonance with a core true thought--then we will experience happy emotions and subsequent improved physical health. Alignment with UST = happiness and physical/mental health.

"THE TRUTH SHALL SET YOU FREE"  is perhaps the most important thing ever said.

Conversely, if we are entertaining thoughts that are out of alignment (and are dissonant) with UST then we experience emotional discord and unhappiness. That discord leads to ill health in the body--as well as so called "accidents and injuries" ( I will discuss injuries more in another article.) But these physical dis-eases and injuries are  caused, at bottom, by entertaining thoughts that are not vibrating harmoniously with Truth, which is Divine. God is Truth.



When we entertain thoughts that are out of alignment with Ultimate Spiritual Truth (UST), we begin to experience inner mental discord, which if ignored will produce emotional discord, and then, eventually, physical discord (illness or injury.) Our personal self goes out of alignment with our God Self--who is Truth.

The emotional power of those thoughts, and/or the length of time we have entertained them will determine the severity of the illness or injury. Long held resentment, for instance, very often leads, over a period of years, to cancer. Those resentful feelings eat away at us. And then the body, being the result of consciousness working on energy and creating matter, creates a symbolic parallel--the cancer. But the emotions were caused by some limiting, out-of-alignment-with-UST-belief. It is the mistaken belief we must search for and swap for Truth. And oftentimes we resist that mightily.

This can be tricky because various cultures and religions have developed many beliefs and mores  they assume to be true--but are not. So it takes courage to challenge these. Our honest emotions can tell us which ones are true and which are not. True ones feel deep-down good.

Another problem is that the ego-mind cherishes its grudges. It wants to put power outside of the self--that is what the  intellect  often does--it projects true power, personal power, outside of the self; it makes someone else responsible for what happened to us and blames them. The ego-mind loves to self righteously blame others and then rationalize and justify attacking them. But that is way off base.

 We truly are the creators of our own reality. We are all born with the same amount of mind-power and we have the free will to use it however we want--in alignment with Truth, which brings happiness and health, or out of alignment with it which leads to anger, sadness, resentment and blame etc.; and the latter brings us poor health and eventually death of we let those beliefs and emotions fester and grow until they consume us,.

So as hard as it is to accept, or even to entertain for some people, WE TRULY DO CREATE OUR OWN REALITY.  We have a God Mind at the center of our being. This mind can and does create-- together with our personal mind-- our reality. There is a confusing time lag however. It is often difficult to connect cause and effect. There is also sometimes a great subtlety to the changes. There is also the necessity of stopping all old habits and patterns of negative thinking associated with the illness--and in the right way.

When I say "the right way" I mean we must allow and accept the negative beliefs and emotions first, think them and feel them without judgment, and then try just dropping them. Or allow that as we continue to question them, they will dissolve.  If that doesn't work in a reasonable amount of time, then we can alternatively try slowly working our way up a vibrational ladder to ever more aligned beliefs, and their subsequent emotions. We must get far enough up to begin to feel happy and unburdened in a genuine way; there can be no pasting of "happy faces" (positive thinking) on over genuine feelings of anger, sadness, resentment etc. It must be allowed and released, and new slightly more positive thoughts and beliefs put in their places. For instance, anger is further up the ladder than despair. And at the top is unconditional love.

With each step we move up a continuum of Self towards our Divine Self. That self will feel different from our old self and we may even wonder who we are! At least until we become accustomed to the new "I."

And when The Universe sees that we have seriously deeply and consistently changed our beliefs to true ones, to positive ones, and we have released all (or most) the old limiting ones, then it will feel the vibrational improvement and will send us a new reality in the form of complete healing. It can be fast or slow depending on how ready the individual is to undertake the changes required.



My Story:
I had breast cancer as a young woman. I looked up the mental cause in Louise Hay's book "Heal Your Body," and read  "Long held resentment caused by putting everyone else first. A refusal to nourish the self. Over-mothering. Over-protection. Over-bearing attitudes." I could really relate to the first two sentences.

  • I was a single mother to two small children;
  • I was the director of a 42 child day care center;
  • I had a 14 person staff to mother;
  • I was working 70 hour weeks on average;
  • I was on several social service boards.
  • I was chairperson of two of them.
  • I was on the Governor's advisory board to the Dept. of Human Services.
  • I was 1 member of a 3 person committee responsible for disbursing many millions of federal dollars to state social services. The rest of the committee and the governor rubber stamped our decisions.
  • Every month I had to read a  tall stack of thick proposals from non-profits and understand them.
  • I had a board of directors to keep apprised.

...And I was in total overwhelm. I was pouring myself out to many people and my mother was my only support. I'd visit her once a month and collapse for a weekend while she took care of the children. It was on one of my trips from Maine to Massachusetts and to her home that I discovered a lump in my breast.

I believe that another cause of the lump was a childhood belief that I had to take care of my parents.

In any case, while I was in touch with both sadness, and guilt (mistaken guilt over not doing enough for others) I was not particularly aware of anger. But in retrospect I know that some part of  me must have been very angry at "others." For I felt I had to do what I was doing. It was God? by my fundamentalist sin-berating religion? by my culture that expected women to sacrifice themselves and serve others? All of the above likely. It was probably my healthy child-self who was angry. For it knew better. It knew I needed to put myself first. But my enculturated-self thought other-wise. My abused childself also had absorbed guilt from the person who was abusing me.

In any case, reading Louise Hay's mental cause hit me between the eyes like a bullet and penetrated my brain...blew apart long held limiting beliefs about myself and my duties to my self and others. I rapidly dropped most of the above activities and kept only my responsibilities towards my children, which were considerable just by themselves. And I added more fun for myself.

And boom!... the lump disappeared! It has never returned in the 43 years intervening. Nor did the cancer re-appear in another part of my body. I chose to not use any allopathic healing methods. It was totally done on the mental/emotional level.

