
Sunday, June 5, 2016



In the most basic terms, We live in a psychological Universe--not a material one. The two basic building blocks of this Universe are CONSCIOUSNESS  and ENERGY. Spiritual seekers learned this long ago; and quantum physicists have also recently come to the same conclusion.

The old Newtonian physics said the two most basic things in the Universe were matter and energy. This paradigm ruled human thinking actually since long before Newton declared it in his law. It was based on an increasingly materialistic, outward looking point of view that began about 20,000 years ago in the East and about 6000 years ago in the West; it was created during a shift from the intuitive-knowing mind to the intellectual-reasoning-mind (dominance shifting from right to left hemispheres of the brain).

The way it affected how we thought about illness and health was profound. The new intellectual paradigm viewed the body as simply a lump of materialistic matter that was completely separate from what that paradigm assumed was the much less important other aspects of human existence--spirit, mind and emotions.

It led to the development of allopathic medicine, which holds an unexamined and flawed major premise or belief which it is blind to. This major premise or belief operates throughout all branches of that type of healing and its associated industries of pharmaceuticals and insurance. And most people in the world subscribe to it today.

 That major  false premise is:


Those who believe in allopathic medicine rarely entertain the idea that the root cause and cure might be in the mental/emotional/spiritual realm. but that is precisely where it is. And to heal an illness or injury one must address that root cause, and the cure will become self-evident.

So the doctors and researches who subscribe to the extremely popular allopathic school of healing continue to dig ever deeper and deeper into the "box" of physical reality for causes and cures. But to no avail!  To find the answer they must look outside the box of the above limiting, invisible belief.

Some would point to the "cures" that medical research has achieved. But what has happened there is simply that a popular belief in the medical cure (placebo effect) supported a a quasi-healing, however, if there was no true concommittant shift to a needed new belief and its emotional relief, then  people would simply go on to develop other illnesses for their own purposes. Or they would have a relapse in to the original illness.

 For the true nature of illness is not that it is an enemy to be fought, but an ally or teacher to be listened to. The ultimate purpose behind all illness and injury is to achieve spiritual health--which we can take with us throughout eternity. True healing involves discovering Ultimate Spiritual Truth (UST). And UST is spiritual GOLD!. It is truly the only game in town.

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