The following is a simple description of the basic tenets of The Vesica Piscis
Method of Self-Healing Skills:
- All
illness is exacerbated (or caused)by mental conflict within oneself. In fact there will be
one mental conflict that has a strong causal relationship with the illness.
- The
two inner circles of the Vesica Piscis symbol above represent the conflict
between two parts of yourself, (or between yourself and another, or between one
nation and another etcetera.) You can meditate on those two circles to discover
what your most basic conflict is. There will be a limiting belief that is
common to both aspects of you, about this issue. There will also be a common
- The
shared conflicting belief and solution are represented by the ovoid shape at
the center. Meditate on that for the place where resolution can happen.
- Finally know that, when the solution to the
conflict is discovered, the two circles will expand until they are contiguous
with the outer circle. In other words, there will be no more conflict. Then you
will be whole mentally and emotionally--and physical wholeness will have a much
better chance of happening.
To begin the
process you can print out the questionnaire below. You can do this process successfully
on your own. However, if you get stuck and feel you need help with these steps,
feel free to contact me at 484 860 2226 or at
The Vesica Piscis
Self-Healing Method was developed and is taught by Brenda H. Nelson, who has worked as a
Psycho-Spiritual, Mind/Body Counselor since 1982. Her Ph.D. dissertation work
was entitled “The Psycho-Spiritual Aetiology and Healing of Cancer.” Her
approach is totally non-judgmental and deeply compassionate. This method empowers the self-healer, but never blames. After
having healed herself of cancer in 1979, she went on to heal herself of several
other ever-less serious illnesses as they arose over the next 35 years. And, with each
self-healing experience, she became much healthier overall and as of summer of 2016 she has not had an illness for many years, As small symptoms arise, she nips them in the bud. What she discovered through her studies and
experiences both personal and professional, is that the mind has a much greater
effect on the physical health than is generally understood.
The Self-Healing
Assistance Questionnaire
The following is a questionnaire that will begin the process
for you. However, before you read further, please print out this page and get a
pen. The first answer that comes to mind as you read each question needs to be
recorded at the moment it arises—before you can have second thoughts about it.
If a nervous or tired feeling comes up as you begin to read them, allow that this is just simple ordinary "resistance." You should just allow that you are feeling that, but reassure yourself, that by facing your feelings, you will most assuredly set yourself free. You will heal.
Write down the first feeling or thought that comes to you.
1. What is bothering
you the most in your life lately, (besides the illness or injury)? (Or do you have a pattern of squelching any disturbing feelings? If yes, do all you can to begin to allow them.) (If you feel angry with yourself for not being disciplined enough--or something like this--look deeper for the feeling behind that--eg shame that you believe you are basically lazy.)
2. Identify your dominant or most frequent “negative”
emotion currently and then for the past 2 YEARS.(If you are still feeling like you have none, allow that your illness is a profound indicator that you most certainly are squelching some feelings at least. At bedtime ask for a dream that shows you what you're hiding from yourself, or how you'd like to feel better.)
If you feel stuck on the above question rephrase it as:
"My most
disturbing feeling when it comes up is...."
In other words, what is bothering you the most these days on
the spiritual, mental or emotional level of your being? (Besides the illness or
Still not sure?
If you are not sure what you are feeling, circle one or more
of the following words:
resentment, fear, anxiety,
stress, pressure, sadness,
grief, depression, guilt,
jealousy, overwhelm,
anguish, angst, hatred, revenge, shame, guilt, over-burdened, overwhelmed, shame, embarrassment, feeling invisible or unimportant, feeling low self worth.
Check a Thesaurus for more words until you find the ones
that most strongly resonate for you.
3. Identify what you don’t want in your life
Oftentimes there is a
life problem that may have begun about 2 years or so before the onset of a
serious illness--an issue that has exacerbated the illness. The psychological
roots of the issue may be much further back in your life, but the obvious,
"above-ground" growth of the psychological, spiritual, mental or
emotional problem, or event may have appeared
only recently--within the past couple of years. Complete the following
I don’t want to have to….
4. The Cause
Complete the following sentence:
“I feel the emotion identified in step 1 because of the following
negative situation…."
(a situation OTHER
than the physical aspect of the illness.)
5. Identify what you do want.
This will be a positive state of being, or event that may feel both
energizing and a little scary. But don’t let any real or imagined detrimental
consequences or roadblocks stop you from saying here what it is you would like to do. Nobody else needs to see this.
“Because of the above problem I would like to....”
6. Identify possible
“I haven’t done this before because I believe now or used to
believe that....”
7. Create an
Make it a short POSITIVE statement that is the antithesis of
the above limiting belief. Write it as if it were true, even though it may not
be yet, or even if you still feel it is not possible.
8. Finally
Believe your
affirmation as much as you can.
Put as much positive emotion into it as you can.
Repeat it often
Write it often
Think, speak and act
in terms of your new belief.
Then, as much as you
can allow yourself, expect healing. If you believe in a Higher Power, invoke
Their help and “pray believing.”
Also, please let me know if you use these steps and if they
have been helpful to you or not. If you feel they have not been effective, I may be able to help you to use them in a
different and better way. Also, I need your feedback in order to improve the simplicity
of the process, so that is useful to more people. The process does work, but sharing it effectively
with all, is still a work in progress.
Also please know that, healing may be so subtle and natural
that you may not at first understand that it was the above steps that actually
helped you. But it is very important that you accept this form of
self-empowerment, so you can use it again and again.
This is especially true if you are combining the above steps
with various other healing modalities. You may feel confused about which one
actually healed you or was of benefit. But know that you did have a HUGE impact
on your own healing by using the Vesica Piscis Method.
Dr. Albert Schweitzer
said, “All healing is self-healing.” I believe this also.
You can email Brenda Nelson for a telephone appointment at
RATE: $75/hour. The fee can be negotiated if you are in
financial need.
Yours in Health,
Brenda H. Nelson