
Wednesday, March 19, 2014



Please email me any questions that come up while you are reading my blog. Also, I would greatly appreciate receiving your questions about any illness or other bodily condition you (or others)are dealing with and want help with. I will do my best in these pages to give you personal guidance towards your own self healing by helping you to use the Vesica Piscis Method.

 This method is wholly conducted in the mind. No physical level healing methods are offered here, because they are not necessary. However, the choice to use other methods along with the VP Method is yours alone. I will accept your decisions with full respect.  Also I will not use your real name as I answer your questions in this blog.


Brenda H. Nelson

Please put "Self Healing Skills" in the subject line.



 Updated 7/13/2022


The Emotional Roots of Illness

Virtually all illness is caused by denying emotions. We live in a world wide culture in which individuals not only often do not know what they are feeling, but do not want to know. As children we are usually subliminally or indirectly taught not to feel. Although sometimes adults are very direct in letting children know that they do not want any displays of emotion--especially crying and anger...but sometimes not even love.

As children we were taught to fear emotions, even if it was not told to us in so many words. So we grew into very emotionally repressed and out-of-touch-emotionally adults. Many of us adapted by displaying  our feelings indirectly and inappropriately. The office worker cannot show anger to the boss, so he brings it home and yells at his wife, who may not dare yell back at him, but she feels safe in yelling at the kids. The kids may not feel safe yelling at her so they kick the dog or torture the cat, or take it out on a younger sibling.

Personally I believe that all wars are responses to this individual childhood repression of natural emotions. Everyone is angry on some level if they support war and their anger comes from this cultural belief that emotions should be suppressed and ignored. It creates separation from our Inner Being--which is the scariest thing  that could ever happen to anyone. Behind anger is fear--fear engendered by separation from our Inner Being--our own Inner Divinity. That larger part of us communicates with this smaller, personality self guessed it...OUR EMOTIONS. 

If we are taught to block those emotions we are blocking crucial information from our Inner Being--the wisest part of our self. It is the part of us that is crucial to feelings of happiness, well-being, love, safety, creativity, belonging. AND it is crucial to our physical well-being because our beliefs and emotions shape the health of our body. The more we, in our personality selves, are in alignment with the wisdom of our Inner Being, the healthier our bodies are.

As babies and very young children we could easily feel, not only our own emotions, but the emotions of others, as well. But  as we grew, we noticed that the adults around were pretty much all stuffing their emotions and hiding them from us--to one extent or another. And we noticed  not only that, but  also that our emotions clearly bothered them. 

We all know of the shaken baby syndrome. In it some adult cannot bear the crying of the child and shakes them hard to make them stop--or just to take out their anger on them. Usually the adult is still secretly enraged about having been robbed of his emotions as a child. He is secretly enraged at the distance that was culturally inculcated in him between himself and his Inner Being--who guides us through our emotions. The terrified and angry child is still alive in him--but stifled. And this screaming baby or child is reminding him of his own crying inner child. He is full of painful stuffed unprocessed emotions. So he passes on his rage to the child. 

I know of a man who is in jail now for having permanently disabled his infant son by shaking him. He--a man ranging to 6 ' 6" tall and weighing over 300 lbs. felt helpless before, this 28", 10 lb. being...and lost it emotionally. He shook the baby into a life as a cripple in a matter of moments.

All use of force against my due to this culturally enforced belief that it is good to suppress, repress and deny emotions in the self and others. Thus we all look for culturally acceptable ways of expressing or stuffing the emotions. Many enjoy watching watching human and/or  animal fights in the flesh or on the movie screen. We love watching movies or reading books about things being  blown up euphemistically known as "action." Many love revisiting War movies which glorify hurting others and coming out dominant, bloodied, but unbowed. Many love horror stories and movies. It is an acceptable way to feel the horror our inner child experiences constantly in being distanced from our Inner Being. We currently are a race of creatures who are terrified and enraged at this distance. In fact, statistically most people don't even  believe there is a God! And those that do, in my opinion have a very distorted understanding of who , what and where God is. So everyone is scared and angry...and that leads to all of the illnesses and so-called "accidents" human beings experience.

How to Heal
The Vesica Piscis Method of Self-Healing

  1. Copy this symbol below onto an 8.5" X 11" piece of paper.  
  2. Then think of the large outer circle as God, or The Intelligent Universe, Christ, Mohammed, Buddha, The Great Mother, The Great Spirit, your Higher Power, Your Inner Being, The Tao...whatever you like to call it. 
  3. Then think about who or what is your biggest opponent in your life. Call it your enemy, or foe, or competitor--some individual, group or institution.  It might be your government, an ideology, a political party, a rival school, a bully, your landlord, your spouse, your child, your boss, your neighbor, a rival gang, the police, a political party, immigrants, foreigners, a religion, an economic class, a scholastic or academic rival, a country,  race , gender, family member, clique that snubs you, etc....someone or something you dislike, hate or fear. It could even be the leader of your country! This should be the person or group or institution that first comes to mind when you think about who you are having the biggest problem with lately. Put their name in the right hand half moon of the two inner circles. Then put your name in the left hand half moon. Leave the center overlapping space empty for now.
  4. Now put a few words in your oponents half moon that indicate why you dislike them. Describe them in a few cogent words.
  5. Now put a few cogent words into your half moon describing yourself. What are you like in contradistinction to your opponent.
  6. Lastly, think about what common ground you have with this person, instituion of group. Write a few cogent words about how you are alike.
  7. Now meditate on what you have put on the paper.   Put it under your pillow. Contemplate it briefly before sleep. Ask for dreams of clarification about it.Ask your Inner Being for guidance as to what it means. It will relate to your healing in an important way. 
  8. As you come to understand what its all about you can redraw your Vesica Piscis Symbol occasionally.  Allow the two small Inner Circles getting a little larger each time, so that the center space is getting larger with more and more commonality words in it.
  9. Notice the trend. As the two smaller inner circles get larger they create a bigger overlapping space. And eventually both will be as big as the outer circle! I'll allow that you can see the implication.

Vesica Piscis Meaning

The Vesica Piscis is an ancient symbol for The Divine Feminine that means "All is Within." We are totally within God and God is totally within each of us. This "All" includes the power to heal. It is within--within you and within me--within everyone.

We all know that if we get a sliver in our finger, it will heal  itself naturally... if .. we remove the splinter (a "foreign object") , clean the opening in the skin and cover it with a bandage. We supply the right surrounding conditions. So too, any other illness or will heal naturally when we remove the problem (a foreign belief) and then we need to supply the right surrounding conditions. Those conditions are mental and emotional...for every illness or injury.

Caveat--simple positive thinking is not enough. That is like putting a Bandaid on over the splinter without removing it or cleaning the wound. There is a process. It is first to identify the "foreign belief" (an unnatural and unaligned belief...something not true). One of the easiest ways to identify that belief is to first understand that most feelings are precipitates of beliefs. If I love dogs, but get bitten by one as a child, my mind might generalize about that. I might deduce that all dogs are dangerous. Then I will fear all dogs. Many adults do that with races. I had a friend whose son was killed by a man from Thailand. After that he hated all Orientals! And he was a very intelligent and successful person with a doctorate.

Beliefs are thoughts we just keep thinking without questioning them. And they produce emotions. So an easy way to identify limiting beliefs is to begin to notice when you are feeling something negative about some person or group. Listen to your conversations with others as well, to get tip offs as to when you get riled up about something. Try to identify the general belief behind your rancor.

For example, I moved to my present apartment last February, feeling very optimistic and positive about this being a better situation than my last. In my last place I had somehow stimulated the antipathy of my landlord. I couldn't understand it. But this was going to be better here in my new place. Then lo and behold...I was soon having conflicts with my new landlord! This has actually happened seeral times. But since I truly believe that I create my own reality, I had to look within myself to see what my role was in this. How was a co-creator in this recurring  unhappy event? It didn't matter to me that many other people also had trouble with the management...many did not!

I did a Vesica Piscis exercise, putting myself in the left half moon and "management" in the right. In the center I put our common ground. Here's what I put in the center: We both wanted respect. We both wanted to feel effective (powerful). We both wanted to be a team player in our respective groups--mine being the tenants, theirs, being the rest of the management team/hierarchy and the owner. (He owns 23 large apartment buildings). We both wanted to feel safe and to establish our "territory." We both wanted to feel safe and "in control"--me of my home and my life; the two person management team for our building wanted  to feel safe by following the company rules, and by doing their job well, which meant keeping control of the tenants by enforcing numerous rules.

I wanted to feel safe by aligning as best I could with my Inner Being. For months I did a piss poor job of that in this area. Every chance I got I complained about management and the owner. I would vow I wasn't going to and would hear myself blaming and complaining again. I felt like they were invading my space, ignoring my rights, being unreasonable and petty. I received a few eviction threats in answer to a few small infractions of some rules. I felt like I was walking on egg shells all the time. Unsafe. I might get thrown out at any moment with a 10 days notice (which I have since learned is illegal.) I felt like my home was constantly being invaded by rules and security cameras used to watch the tenants mostly--Big Brother! I complained.

But somewhere in there I started to let it in that all of these feelings were ery similar to some inner invasions. My mind was being invaded by old traumatic thoughts associated with my childhood sexual abuse. I was still carrying that unprocessed fear. I was not in control of my own home--my own body!--my relationship with my soul! My father had started the invasion. (I had invaded him in a past life). And I was not over it yet.  So I have had to work very hard to develop a relationship with my Inner Being, which engenders a feeling of TRUE HOMENESS. She is my Home. She is with me everywhere and everywhen. She is powerful and effective in inviting me towards more and more feelings of safety. She let me know sometime ago that I have created every home I have ever lived in (almost 60!). They wrere all "mine". I created them and my relationships with landlords in alignment with my current beliefs and their emotional residue, and the vibrations of both my thoughts and feelings.

So I am working on deepening my conceptual understanding of these truths into visceral KNOWING.
That way I can vibrationally attract a home of my own with a deed attached. This type of understanding about Inner Being and vibration is spreading all around the world. More and more people daily are coming to understand it. I just learned of a world champion body builder, Dorian Yates, who has retired and is devoting himself to the deepening of his understanding about this and sharing it with others. Watch his YouTube interview with London Real here.

Dorian Yates

 How We Have Been Disempowering Ourselves.

In contradistinction to this understanding of who we are and what our true relationship to God is. My God is The Great Mother and She is Within me. I know conceptually that I am One with Her. My Inner Being knows viscerally  Her Oneness with Great Mother.  But I am learning. As I learn from Her I am being disabused of many false major premises. I am learning more and more Truth as my awareness of Her grows.

Fabout 6000 years in The West we have been playing with a patriarchal paradigm--a left brain driven outer-directed paradigm. Within that frame of reference--and without reference to the powers of the right brain, which we were taught to reject--including the importance of emotions--we lost our way. We came to project our extremely important personal power outward. God become a being who was male and was "other". He punished and wreaked vengeance on evil-doers--evil as defined by whoever was the local male ruler. Those rulers had a very separatist view--something natural to the left brain. It sees things in terms of distinctions and discrimination as to differences. So authority shifted from within each individual and from the right brain, which is inner directed, to the group outside. Governments formed. Cities formed. Rules and laws began to pile up as the individual gave up more and more authority to the outside. Thinking and understanding became shallow and short range.

Healing power shifted from within the individual, to a local wise-woman, to allopathically educated university physicians; to hospitals, to research scientists,  to the AMA (American Medical Association); to the Pharmaceutical Industry; to the Insurance Industry; to the government. Our current culture has taught us to project our innate healing power and responsibility onto outside authorities. And the idea that we must do this has become a cultural belief that is so generally and deeply accepted as to be a "religion." In that light my  statements about healing  often  sound heretical to many who have a powerful belief in allopathy (what we call Medical Care). Allopathy is just one philosophy of healing. It is very 5 sense oriented. But there is much more to reality and to us and to truth than what our five senses can tell us. Allopathy is very physically oriented. And to suggest to an allopathic physician that health, or the lack there of might stem most basically from the spiritual/mental/emotional level of our being usually brings a snort of derision.

If you are having such a response, I would like to invite you to read on a bit further and allow that there may be room in our cultural beliefs for something more expanded as regards the process of healing. I am sure you will admit that the current medical practices are esoteric, abstruse, and you need a doctor/priest to translate and apply it to you. I am also sure that you don't like the side effects of medicines. I a, also sure that you don't like the cost of drugs, insurance, doctors, hospitals and their highly tecnical and invasive machines and procedures. Surgery probably scares you. Being sick from treatments like chemo and radiation probably scare you. But dying from an illness scares you more. And since you have been taught from childhood to trust your intellect more than your emotions, that puts you in the power of others. Your intellect has been stuffed with the beliefs of the age--and very limiting beliefs they are. But once one's eyes begin to open that there might be something wrong with the new Government/Healthcare Industrial Complex (replacing the MIlitary/Industrial Complex Eisenhower warned us against. Most of our multi trillion dollar National Debt is actually owed to just one unbelievably fabulously wealthy arm of the Health Industry--the American Insurance companies!

They are playing a con game with our lives and health. They are playing us through our fears and insecurities. Through the distance the patriarchal paradigm created between the individual and their God. It's a loaded Las Vegas poker game. And "the house" (The Insurance Companies) has the deck stacked in its favor to an extent that will shock people to the soles of their feet when they finally are ready to let it in. The premiums are high and they fight hard to not pay on claims. They create endless fear and suffering as people struggle to get the money to pay for what they believe is necessary treatment. We've been brain-washed and guess who did it...WE DID IT TO OURSELVES!

Taking  Our Power Back
"Those who work it know it works."

When one turns inward one takes back their power--our God given power  to heal ourselves. I have been taking mine back more and more since the 1970's. Many have because those who work it know it works!

There really is no-one else who can do it. And in looking at the history of humankind, I have determined that there  really is no individual in all that history who has ever been healed by anyone other than themselves. They may believe that someone or some thing other than their own minds and hearts healed them--a shaman or a doctor an herbalist an alternative healer--but it is nonetheless still true that even though they are unaware of it, it was always the sufferer  her/him/self that was the author, in cooperation with their Inner Being at their core, who accomplished their own healing! This is something I know through 40 years of using it on myself and sharing it with others.

Many people feel great resistance to this new idea. We often resist changing our beliefs--or even facing the fact that they are not serving us. That's okay. If you feel resistance already, just relax and allow that if this is truth  you will encounter it again and again until you finally are ready to be open to it. Change can be challenging.

But let's go back to all of these human beings over the history of Humankind who believed that someone or something other than themselves healed them. This is what really happened: When they were ill, their conscious beliefs were out of alignment with Ultimate Spiritual Truth (UST)--out of alignment with their own divine wisdom in the core of their being. When they shifted their limiting beliefs, changed them, back into alignment with what their Inner Being knew was Truth, their body healed. Truth set them free. Long ago we knew this as a species. We are coming to know this again.

For example, one common untruth is that, "It is better to give than to receive." Many self-less people give "until it hurts" and well beyond. They believe that this is good. If a little giving is good, a lot of giving is better. Ghandi was once button-holed by a European woman who proudly gushed at him a great many words about how she gave and gave until she was exhausted and had not more to give. And when she did have more she quickly gave it all away again. He replied, "Hmmm, that is interesting. I don't."

He knew that, Ultimate Spiritual Truth does not want us to sacrifice our selves. There is aligned giving and there is a left brained culturally accepted idea about "giving til it hurts. This seems to be aimed at and adopted more by women than men. Women often serve their husbands, children, extended family, friends and community ...and rarely consider what they themselves need. But in some secret place inside they hurt, and they resent the ones they over-serve. Wanting to serve is a natural human trait, I believe, but, knowing how and when to serve is an art that is barely understood in our world culture. I would say that putting one's self first is a very good thing indeed. It doesn't mean "only." It just means that a starving person cannot feed others. So it is good to feed oneself first--whatever you need. Then you will have the strength and genuine desire to help the right time and in the right way. Our Inner being can guide us about this.

 And now to the Self -Healing skills: I suggest that you print out the following and fill it out during a quiet time in your day...preferably after meditation...but when you feel the best.


IF  YOU COMPLETE THESE FOUR STATEMENTS HONESTLY AND WITH SELF-COMPASSION AND SELF--ALLOWING, AND THEN DO THE FINAL ACTION STEP,  YOU WILL HEAL! The illness or injury will suddenly just be gone without your having noticed it going.

Caveat: Our competitive, self-doubting left brain mind is quite competitive and comparative. It often goes to a thought something like "But what if I can't do it? I'd better not try if I might fail and lose self esteem." If you have that feeling right now, just allow it, and picture a pencil with an eraser on the end. It's there because the inventor knew that none of us is perfect.

Write down the first feeling or thought that comes to you.

1. IDENTIFY SOMETHING IN YOUR LIFE YOU DON'T LIKE. This can be really scary for some people. Everyone knows what it is but they have been avoiding looking at it because, in their limited, self-judgmental or fearful thinking, it is bad , or wrong, or dangerous to feel this way. They fear the consequences of rocking the boat with this chunk of emotional truth. BUT...the truth shall set you free!

This will be your dominant negative emotion now and for at least the 2 YEARS prior to your illness/injury onset or diagnosis:  

“I often feel... 
"My most disturbing feeling when it comes up is...."




If you are not sure what you are feeling underline one or more of the following emotions. You might feel them secretly. Do NOT judge yourself!
  • anger, resentment, blame, criticism, noticing faults in others, judging, gossiping, interrupting, dominating others, 
  • I'm always the together-helper (so I can feel on top?) When is it my turn? I give until it hurts, but I'm not appreciated! I can't seem to do enough for others.
  • guilt, remorse, regret, letting someone down, "what did I do' or not do!"
  • jealousy, inadequacy, competitiveness, comparativeness, "I should be doing better." I pull others down so I can feel better than them.
  • fear, anxiety, stress, pressure, overwhelm
  • sadness, grief, weeping, verklempt,
  • depression, self-dislike, self -destructive urges
  • yearning, wanting, not getting, "please give me" 
  • "I  stay very outer-directed, busy (or do my addiction) so I don't feel___________." I can't seem to get enough of____________"
  • I feel different, unique, out of it, don't belong, not wanted, not understood
  • when I look in the mirror and read the emotions in my face, I see____________________"

If you are still saying, “I don’t know what I am feeling. I just feel bad.” OR “I don’t have any strong feelings.” Go to the "What Am I Feeling" page on this website and do the more detailed process there.

It may be some problem that may have become very apparent about 2 years before the onset of the illness or injury. Or sometimes it is an even older problem. It can even start in early childhood...or in utero. In some cases it even starts in a past life. However, the point of power lies in the present moment. It will keep coming up in your current life in one form or another until you can find the strength to face the basic issue. It will feel good when you do. So finish this sentence....

“I feel the emotion identified in step 1 because of the following negative situation... (a situation OTHER than the illness itself.)

"I admit I contributed to this situation because I believed that...." 



If it involves things that happened to you as a child. Remember that there's nothing from back then we can't reframe as adults, hard as it might seem. "I now reframe it with this new belief...."




3. IDENTIFY WHAT YOU DO WANT IN YOUR LIFE. (A positive action step--that may feel  both energizing and a little scary)

“Because of the problem I identified in question # 2, I would like to change my mind, feelings, situation and life by...."



If you couldn't answer # 3 then just know that there is some resistance in you that makes perfect sense to you now --given your current set of beliefs. Don't judge yourself. You are not ready yet because you still have not yet put all the puzzle pieces together. Maybe there is a puzzle piece out of sight--fallen on the floor or something.  Keep allowing every new thought or feeling that comes up around your problem. Everyone does bad things and has bad things happen to them, but no-one is "bad."

“I don't want to do this now or haven’t done this before now because I believe...or used to believe.... (Perhaps only up until a moment ago)




5. CREATE AN AFFIRMATION: Make it a short statement that is the antithesis of the above negative beliefs.

Start with:  "It is SAFE for me to experience my true feelings. I set aside my 'should feelings.' " 



  • Believe your affirmation
  • Repeat it often
  • Write it often
  • Think, speak and act  in terms of your new belief.

AND...Expect complete healing! AND YOU WILL HEAL!

page 5

Additional steps that can assist your healing: ( I will be writing separate pages to further explain the following:)
  • Meditation
  • Connecting With Your Entity Self (your ES)
  • Altering the Past Exercise
  • Altering the Future Exercise
  • Practicing Forgiveness, Allowing and Acceptance
  • Diet, Herbs, Exercise and other physical level support

  • Do the steps outlined in the further exercises on the other "Pages" of this website

  • Read my forthcoming book, The Vesica Piscis Healing Method: The Cure Steve Jobs Almost Found!

  • Email me at (put the words SELF HEALING in subject line)

    or  call 484 860 2226. Leave a message.

About Me

The presenter is Brenda H. Nelson who has worked as a Psycho-Spiritual, Mind/Body/Spirit  Counselor since 1982. Her Ph.D. work was on  healing cancer with the mind. Her approach is totally non-judgmental and deeply compassionate.